Saturday, July 28, 2018

My Lovely Baby

She has red cheeks
Long eyelashes
Beautiful eyes, a cute nose
She likes company
She smiles
She is so cute
Her mouth is lovely
She went to sleep until three o’clock
She does not like cereal or Similac
She only wants to suck my breast
Her *** like you
She likes to kick when I change her diaper
She is a good girl
**** quiet like my personality
I thank you God to give me
I like her to eat more but she doesn’t want to
She cries when she is hungry
When I give her a bath she is so happy
Only when I’m tired ****
I give a bath each day
She likes banana apple sauce
Likes to play with daddy
When daddy says “Choo Choo, what’s the matter?”
     She always smiles
She looks around, she is very curious
She likes to be held

January 3, 1983
(by Libby; transcribed by David)

Simone at Three Months

you gingerly probe my hand
like an archeological find
cooing sweetly with more variety
you are beginning to understand
becoming a member of human kind

strong Simone, you have doubled your weight
found a secret of smiling each day
held upon my knee, your mouth agape with wonder
following mom’s path to take you
feed and bathe and change you

you were asleep when mom got stung
so you wondered why a bottle
the first of your weaning
those painful in-betweenings
changes growing till you regulate your own throttle

but still a rattle lays blind in your palm
held now a jack-in-the-box up and down
yet you quiet at the shape you will assume
surely you will stand and walk before soon
there many mansions reveal many rooms

what do you feel as you pry my fingers
what can you make of we amateur singers
the staring at light knowing its brilliance
what fills you with glee when we are seen
***** places like visions of kings and queens

November 25, 1982

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Introduction: My Journals

When it comes to written work, nothing can equal the attention I have paid to writing a daily journal. Though many of the volumes have been lost or stolen, the topics and details of the years of my life beginning in 1970 when I was 16 years old are amazing in their depth. I am not Anais Nin mind you, and there is little intrigue or pornography in the pages, but there is much evidence of predilection to creative writing and my career as a teacher. 

In the entry from March 6, 1987, there is a notation: "This  26th page of 1987 journal equals my total entries of 1986!" I should say that with an average of 40 lines per page, 11 words per line, in an 8"by 6" unlined bound book, the content more or less equals that of a standard 7" by 5" paperback. The entry from this date details my page output from previous years' journal writing:

1979 - over 200
1980 - 128
1981 - 72
1982 - 42
1983 - 21
1984 - 58
1985 - 42
1986 - 26
1987 - 116

With this introduction, I begin to transcribe key pages of my journals, the journals that still exist.